Tourism Minister Activates Crisis Center

29 September 2018 10:52

President Joko Widodo immediately prepared himself for the 7.7 SR earthquakes in Donggala, and 5.9 SR in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Friday, September 28, 2018. The President monitored and participated in collecting the latest information in the affected areas.

Tourism Minister Arief  Yahya also immediately  activated the Crisis Center Team (TCC) last night. The task of this team is to serve every information needed by travelers and tourists, both domestic and foreigners. "First, cwe are deeply sorry for the calamities in Palu and Donggala in Central Sulawesi. Hopefully the community will remain steadfast and the atmosphere will return to normal soon, "explained Arief Yahya.

"Our main target will be tourists, therefore we will continue to update information about 3A; Access, Attractions, Amenities in Palu and Central Sulawesi," said the Minister.

Arief Yahya directly monitors and updates the latest issues. Then coordinate with relevant agencies, both at the central and regional levels. Then, to provide certainty to travelers and their families, the Ministry of Tourism will periodically issue an official statement.

"We monitor the impact of the earthquake on the tourism industry ecosystem. From telecommunication, transportation and tourists (3T), we will also convey it to the public, because that is what is needed by families who are traveling in Palu and Donggala, Central Sulawesi, " he said.

Meanwhile, the Crisis Center team at the moment reports based on primary sources, BMKG and BNPB, both central and regional. "At present there is an emergency response period, and we focus on information services," said Arief Yahya.

The next step is to stop all forms of promotion, both domestically and internationally, in relation to the affected destinations. Then coordinate with regional disparities to handle tourists' needs and monitor the affected 3A.

Again Menpar Arief Yahya explained that Indonesia is very broad. This incident was on Sulawesi Island, precisely in the Province of Central Sulawesi. Many media misguided, disasters like this many times thought to happen all over Indonesia. "This is what I need to make clear," said Arief Yahya.

He also explained, after the 7.7 SR Tectonic Earthquake at 17:02 West Indonesia Time, the telecommunications network in Donggala and its surroundings could not operate because power supply was cut off. Until 18:00, there were 276 base stations that could not be used.

Telecommunications operators are trying to restore electricity supply by using Mobile Power Backup and waiting for the recovery of the electricity network from the country’s Electricity Company.

Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara also added, he assigned the Telecommunications and Information Accessibility Agency (BAKTI) to send 30 satellite telephone units to support coordination of disaster management in Donggala and surrounding areas.

Previously, the Ministry of Communication and Information and the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) had sent earthquake information via SMS to cellphone users in the Donggala area and its surroundings. Exactly on Friday at 14.09 West Indonesia Time. SMS Blast is sent 7 times. The tsunami early warning SMS was sent at 17.02 

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Redaktur: Paskalis Yuri Alfred Reporter: Kemenpar



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