Takdirnya Berbalik! Awalnya Sering Tidur di Jalanan Kini Miliuner

Takdirnya Berbalik! Awalnya Sering Tidur di Jalanan Kini Miliuner -
Khalil Rafati berhasil membalikkan kehidupannya, menjadi seorang pebisnis sukses (foto: SC IG @khalilrafati)

Selain menjalani hidup sehat, Khalil Rafati membangun bisnis makanan kesehatan kekinian, Sunlife Organics.

Bisnisnya sukses, dan kekayaannya kini mencapai jutaan dolar atau miliaran rupiah.

Sang miliuner kini hidup nyaman, seperti yang sering diunggah potretnya di Instagram.

Khalil Rafati benar-benar menginspirasi. Tidak ada yang tak mungkin, seperti dirinya dari sosok yang sering tidur di jalanan, kini menjadi miliuner. (*)



I just woke up one day decided I didn’t want to feel like that anymore or ever again. So I changed. I had tons of excuses why I couldn’t change but at the end of the day they were all just excuses. I get dm’s and emails all time from people saying “please help you are so strong what do I do?!” To which i always reply “Change!” “Make the decision to change and then change!” Don’t tell me I’m strong don’t tell me I’m smart those are just excuses as to why you can’t do what you wanna do. If I was so strong and so smart how in the fuck did I end up a homeless junkie. I smoked cigarettes for 20 years. I ate junk food all my life. I wound up in jail, I didn’t finish high school so don’t tell me I’m strong and smart. At 30 years old I was on food stamps and welfare and couldn’t manage to keep a roof over my head. At 40 years old I was traveling all over the world And living a life beyond my wildest dreams. What was so different about the 30 year old me and the 40 year old me? Not much! Good decisions vrs bad decisions. Good habits vrs bad habits. Start making good decisions on a daily basis and establish good healthy habits that serve you and serve others. Write down your goals. Make a daily gratitude list. Pray/meditate unless of course you don’t believe in God. And if that’s the case how is that working out for you? Get a job and stop complaining. If that job doesn’t pay you enough get another job. Work two or three jobs until you’re making enough money where you can pay your bills and save money and invest money at the same time. But no one will do that. Why? Because Surfing is fun, going to parties is fun, sleeping in feels good, staring at your phone looking at other people’s lives wondering why yours isn’t better is fun, hanging out with your friends and taking trips feels good right? Do you know what feels better? Accomplishing your goals. Not being dependent on anyone. Having financial freedom. Success, vibrant health and being there for your loved ones. 99 percent of what you see on Instagram is fake/filtered strategically posed bullshit including this picture but i figured it would get my point across better than another cat pic.

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