Three Figures Comb Out t Gili Islands on a Helicopter

Three Figures Comb Out t Gili Islands on a Helicopter -

The Head of the Lombok Tourism College, Hamsu, also reported that at Lombok Airport entertainment continued. Foreign tourists even sing along. The ambiance getting relaxed.
The food truck the Tourism College is also still standing by in the yard of the West Nusa Tenggara Tourism Board Office to serve foreign tourists who sare staying there for the night. The team is ready to assists whenever needed..

The Head of West Nusa Tenggara Tourism Board, Muhammad Faozal, reported that the last 4 foreign tourists who stayed at the office last night, are currently at LOP Airport.

The TCC team together with the Head of the West Nusa Tenggara Tourism Board Regional Office are now at Bangsal Port to coordinate with the crisis team to monitor and ensure that all tourists, foreign as well as domestic in the 3 Gilsi are safe.

Tourism Minister Arief Yahya appreciated the emergency response steps taken by the team. Solid, Speed, Smart, 3S, which has become the corporate culture of the Ministry."Disasters can occur anywhere, anytime, to anyone, and the most important aspect is the way of handling it," explained Arief Yahya.

"If everything is handled properly, and everyone involved to support, then everything becomes faster, lighter, and impactful,"he said.

Arief said the saying, a friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend who helps out when we are in trouble is a true friend! True friends are present when we need help! If we are there when they are in need, it will be remembered throughout their lives.

This morning, Indonesia Power Company in East Java and Bali BKO for Lombok were departed on Indonesian Navy boats to recover electricity on the Gilis.

The Indonesian National Police and Armed Forces are currently still on Gili Trawangan to make sure they have combed out the tourists while establishing the highest security in all tourist objects and vital objects (such as power plants, water, ATMs)

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