Wow! Amanda Manopo Menang Seoul Drama Awards 2021 Bareng Bae Suzy

Wow! Amanda Manopo Menang Seoul Drama Awards 2021 Bareng Bae Suzy -
Amanda Manopo. Foto: Instagram/amandamanopo

Serial Drama Golden Bird Prize: The Penthouse (Korea Selatan)

Serial Drama Silver Bird Prize: Go Ahead (China)

Mini-Series Golden Bird Prize: The Investigation (Denmark)

BACA JUGA:  Ternyata Amanda Manopo Tipe Suka Nembak Cowok Duluan, Lo

Mini-Series Silver Bird Prize: The Bad Kids (China)

TV Movie Golden Bird Prize: Frederica Montseny, the woman who speaks (Spanyol)

BACA JUGA:  Film Tayang di 190 Negara, Amanda Rawless Girang Banget

TV Movie Silver Bird Prize: This House is Mine (Jerman)

Short-Form Drama Golden Bird Prize: Passengers (Rusia)

BACA JUGA:  Amanda Manopo Berani Buka-bukaan: Jujur Pengin...

Short-Form Drama Silver Bird Prize: Delete Me (Norwegia)

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