Gantengnya Putra Sulung Pongki Barata

Gantengnya Putra Sulung Pongki Barata -
Pongki Barata bersama istri dan dua anaknya (foto: SC @sophienavita)

Tampil kompak bersama papa dan adik



Everytime it’s Father’s Day, be it american, australian, or even on the moon’s time, we will be celebrating this man right here. . I’m sure he doesn’t know it’s a thing ( Father’s Day ) especially since he works a lot and it’s all for us. . So thank you so much for doing what you do ya, #siBapi ❤️ . Thank you for being such a good father and role model for our boys, and 1 furry fat dog. . The way you drop everything to do things for this family is beyond words. . Thank you for loving, forgiving, providing. Thank you for being obedient in taking after how the Father in heaven loves us all, as best as you can. . . Happy ???????? Fathers’ Day !! . . Btw di indonesia ada nggak sih Hari Ayah? Kalau belum, harus ada ah. Figur bapak itu SANGAT PENTING bagi perkembangan setiap anak / orang. . . People with a good father - child relationship, grow up to be loving people, at least itu menurut gw. The way your father loves you, will be the way you love life. . . #hatiyanggembiraadalahobat #Godisgood #thisisGraceground . Selamat hari Ayah ( dirayakan or not, i’m going to say it anyways) karena a FATHER is very important in a family ❤️ ( Saya tdk bicara soal keutuhan pernikahan, ini soal figur ayah ) I pray all fathers are healthy, happy adults, yang ( akan ) mampu mengasihi anaknya karena tahu betul bahwa dia terlebih dahulu telah dikasihi luar biasa oleh Penciptanya???????? . ????: @simarcell ( happy Fathers’ Day to you too, bruh! Cc: @pandasuper ) . Call your father today! Ga usah diselametin segala nanti malah kaku???? ditelepon aja, tanya2 kabar❤️ ( i can’t call mine krn beliau lg sibuk main catur di surga ) . [ pasti mau bilang anak2ku MIRIP AKU SEMUA kaaan? ]

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